PCOM History
Presbyterian Church of the Master began when a few Presbyterian families without a church home in Coon Rapids area began collecting names of others until they had enough to send to Presbytery requesting a survey. In July l960, a community survey was conducted under the direction of Rev. Willard Reeves, Director of New Church Development. As a result, a comity allocation was granted by the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches and the Presbytery purchased a 6 acre site from Peter Sorteberg, November 1, 1960. Rev. Jerome V. Lofgren was assigned as organizing minister. Get-acquainted meetings were held, a steering committee formed, and the first worship service was held at Coon Rapids Junior High (now Middle School) attended by 29 adults, 55 children, and 30 infants. Worship services continued there through March 1961. (from the main web site)
Presbyterian Church of the Master
789 Northdale Blvd
Coon Rapids, MN
Bits and pieces that I have pieced together about the homestead from notes that my grandfather wrote.
The original homestead was on Sand Creek in Coon Rapids near Kumquat. Leland Sorteberg was bon at this location.
Pete and Ida Sorteberg then purchased Warren Barney's house east of Hanson Blvd north of the Great Northern Railroad tracks. 3 of the chidren were born at this house.
In 1926 the Pete purchased the original homestead. Oscar Swanson moved the house a half mile across the field so the family would be closer to the bus route. 3 children were born at this house.
1953 the farm was sold. A new farm was purchased in Ramsey which one of the sons eventually took over.
I find it hard to navigate the logistics of where my family stayed. My goal is to get the original maps for these homesteads. It is very difficult to just plug it into the computer and get the information needed. I can get a current picture but that doesn't help because it is now built up with houses.
(original homestead)
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