Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Carl and Mollie
The marriage of Carl Brenna and Mollie Pederson

Today I am sharing a photo grouping that I recieved a few years ago from a complete stranger!  I had been researching my family history on and had a message in my in box from someone asking if I was a direct relation to Carl Brenna.
My great grand Aunt Catherine Sorteberg married Clifford Brenna.  Carl and Mollie (Annie) Brenna were Clifford's parents.
Even though I am not directly related to these two I was very excited to see what this person had.  She is a genealogist and found this picture in an antique shop in another state.  She thought it was a waste for it to be sitting in an shop and not in the hands of the family.  I was so grateful for the opportunity of this gift, especially with all of the information that it contained.
I thought this was such a neat idea for someone to have put together.  I am fortunate to have such a treasure.
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